Monday, June 4, 2012

So u want to kick the DJ off the decks huh?

dear promoters, managers, club and bar venue owners who think u know flash...u don't. So u think it's cool to kick talented DJs such as Dennis Ferrer or Mark Farina and others off the decks because your clientele doesn't like the music another newsflash that just shows your lack of professionalism and home training to put it bluntly. Mr. Farina I hope u went back to your hotel ordered the most expensive scotch had a day at the spa and charged them for it. Venue. your clientele may have a lot of money but more than likely they have no sense of class, couth or culture and are dumb enough to pay 300 -400 for a bottle one can get at the liquor store for 40 bucks and enjoy in the comforts of one's home.

Let me enlighten u bottle buyers a bit most bottles are married with well liquor didn't know that did ya when the pretty little girl brings the bottle over ever check to see if the seal is cracked bet ya don't and here u go drinking Popov vodka instead of Belvedere ha!

To the venues engaging in this low class u read? are u deaf? why not take the time to check out the artist before u book them oh wait probably to busy getting coked up in your office to pay attention to anything. Know what genre of music u are asking for...stupidity is a sad thing. But alas u still have to pay the DJ don't u? esp if they are  a name and u contracted them.

Please stop with the madness of wanting to pay DJs in drinks as well...not all of us are alcoholics like u and we have bills just like everyone else and we like to pay them. 

As for the Djs listen times are hard so if venues want to hear crap music make them pay and pay highly i would spin for close to nothing if i can play good music. However if by chance i am in a situation where I am forced to play some pop dribble...guess what someone is dipping in their pocket and paying me.  I am not giving up hope that music will make a come back that someone will come to me and make a slamming request. I know the younger generation has good taste and will rise to the top.

Personally, I believe that most of these venue runners were picked on as kids and now they are seeking revenge but it's cool once a cornball always a cornball.  These recent party goers don't want to support good music then we should return payment in kind don't play it spread the word about good underground artists/events support their functions  blog, tweet and facebook about them. To the artists and party goers. vice versa if a venue has treated an artist/DJ badly don't support them I will never support a venue that has disrespected an artist what's next the staff and performers will have to enter thru the kitchen? New York used to be the hub of nightlife now it looks like college night in Wisconsin.

If u really want to educate yourselves and I suggest that u do...please check out this documentary by my friend Jean-Paul Noel (JP) (co-director) Angelo Boyke (director) and Domingo Canate (producer). This film take the viewers on a journey into sound and vision that is as exciting for house music aficionados as it is for newcomers to the scene.

Hands To The Sky is a documentary that focuses on House Music. It removes the dance experience from the confines of the box and plants it in the park, lays it on the beach and sets it in countless unexpected, exciting places.

This documentary zooms in on outdoor House Music events in various locations; locally and globally. The adroit camera crew captures the passion and dedication of the DJ's and promoters and the indisputable theme of love and unity that emanates from the speakers as well as the perspiration of the devoted tribe of dancers.

Part One kicks off with east coast contemporaries, while Part Two will showcase the heat that House Music creates throughout the world, including but not limited to Brazil, Spain, Africa and the UK.

In my opinion...

It's time to pass the torch older house heads some of u have some crazy elitist attitudes that have caused house music to suffer people don't want to go to parties because they don't want to deal with u partied at the garage and heard Larry Levan live share that information don't have an attitude about it and give the younger ones dramatics when they try to support your parties. Yeah I said it and if u are offended u are probably one of those people ruining the scene...nice work.

 The tools are there to breathe life back into the music scene and support our artists...there it is...let the revolution begin


  1. Agree with 100% of your sentiments here, and I know where you're coming from when you write, "i would spin for close to nothing if i can play good music"...but please don't put that in writing, lest the club owners/promoters catch wind of that. There are already too many good DJs and too few good venues for them to play in, so this "race to the bottom" (in terms of pay scale) doesn't need to be even further accelerated. DJs would be well-served to band together and agree on a minimum amount they'll work for, no matter what music they're playing.

  2. sister I hear your sermon..Amen to the church of TABU..9t4FM

  3. This happened in Las Vegas which i my opinion is the mecca of shite music. I come from the house music from Chicago, New York, The UK circa summers of 88 and 89 and then San Francisco where we started the Fulmoon parties and a well known crew called Wicked. Bottle service and Vegas is full of plastic people and very rare is vinyl played. Mark Farina is a good friend who plays great house and acid jazz. Let the people of Vegas drink their over priced water downed booze and leave the goods to us who know good music when the needle hits the record.
