Monday, May 7, 2012

the pick up line...where art thou

so i venture out into the new neighborhood for some grub and as luck would have it I get hit on by another winner

dude: (standing behind me in line) cheep, cheep, cheep
me: (of course I turn wasn't a bad bird call)
dude: so u like that huh
me: crickets
dude: i figured cat calling u would have been rude
me: u figured huh...
dude: yeah so i did the bird call and I am also broke so i figured I would kill two birds with one stone...what do u think
me: I think u are brain dead


Now I have had some really good pick up lines used on me in my time and always by older gents. They seem to have mastered the craft quite well. I think my favorite line  ever was when a cat told me I was "walking dynamite" how can u not blush at that! Yes I am independent, can take care of myself blah blah blah...but i enjoy a gentleman with wit and yes every once in a while  a bit of poetry. I remember once as a little girl reading an article on a famous silent film actress...her name escapes me now she told a story however of how she met her husband. She was at a party and he grabbed a handful of peanuts turned to her and said..."I'm only sorry they are not emeralds." What???? Game !

 I wonder why cant the young bucks get it. If they are not trying to whip out their parent's credit card, they are giving u a job description, or they are just plain corny, So gentleman tell me is the art of the pick up line lost? According to an article in Men's Health ..."Women gave higher ratings to humorous approaches ("Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too. . . ") than men thought they would." Hmmm ..yeah i can agree with that...a dude who can make me laugh definitely ups his chances. Sexual innuendo however does not...duh. Pretty intuitive Men's Health. Read more at Men's Health:

I also asked a few gents that shall remain nameless...their thoughts on the pick up line most of them said no. Right....guess they are keeping their secrets to themselves. SO what is a girl to do when she is in the mood to be charmed. Of course some dudes are scratching their heads right now...I guess that is the beauty of it

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