Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Artists that I admire and love...Eric J. Henderson

So a little over a year ago I am at a book signing for a dear friend of mine Mike Schreiber who I will be spotlighting soon and in walks a very tall handsome gentleman with a strange little camera in his hand. Now I know nothing about photography I just know what I like but I was completely intrigued by both the mechanism and the man.

Move to present day and I can now call this gentleman, Eric J. Henderson a friend, a talented photographer who has created many dynamic images of NYC and the world with this little contraption known as the brownie. This little 1950's treasure was purchased for $5.00 back in 2003 from a homeless gentleman at the corner of 125th and Park avenue. Since then, Eric taught himself to shoot and landed a global campaign for Bombay Gin, served as an art photographer for the BMW Guggenheim Lab and has had his work featured at the Studio Museum in Harlem. He has also had commissions in Morocco, France, Brazil and Africa.

If staring at him or his work isn't enough he is also an inclusive writer with a regular Huffington Post column on "Art, the Arts & Policy"

Recently I just spoke to Eric via phone as he was smoking his cigar in Miami on layover to Cuba...what a life huh. He will be shooting down there for the next week and I can only imagine the beautiful pictures he will return with. So while I simmered with jealousy I wished my friend safe travels and also reminded him he better bring back some good music as well and yes Eric I am reminding u here yet again...bring back musica ; )

see some shots below but please visit his website for more info...

1 comment:

  1. I went to, and graduated from, high school with Eric Henderson. He was a visionary then, too...
