Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I gave him my number and I still haven't heard from him

so i am sitting on the train on my way to work...two women in their 20s are having a conversation

1st girl: so I meet this guy on wed night at *** and he was so hot
2nd girl: and... (giggling uncontrollably..it was a little unnerving)
1st girl: we hung out all night... we did it in the bar's bathroom. I gave him my number and I still haven't heard from him.
2nd girl: what a loser
elderly woman (getting off the train): you are an idiot, what do u think this is the 60s!
me: (loud outburst of laughter...more like a death rattle since I was drinking coffee, but whatever)

ummmm...come on!!!!

Now I am all about freedom and sexual expression and the like... but really thinking that someone will call u after u banged him in the bathroom, at a bar, after a few hours of meeting them...I am surprised he even took her number. Of course, I could be wrong...stranger things have happened. I went on one date with my ex and we stayed together for 7 years...the longest 7 years of my life...but 7 years nonetheless. Maybe I am getting old... I don't know...heading into my 40s I find that some young women and I use the word some really have lost their minds. I am not even going to get into all that morality and save yourself crap...my issue is simply safety. I have my female students tell me all the time how they are followed on their way to and from school, I have had a few numb nuts  myself approach me and even try to touch me on the street. Not to mention the many fools I see waiting for that one girl to  get just drunk enough so he can hit on her and possibly take her home. Are these young girls that are now of drinking age really that dotish or is that how the hipsters do it. So now I am sitting at a coffee shop, pondering and  writing with some annoying not so cute dude...trying to read over my shoulder...he just stopped...mission accomplished! Time to continue

Maybe some of these ridiculously stupid people think they are carrying on the theme of free love? 

According to Wikipedia, The term free love has been used [1] to describe a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social bondage. The Free Love movement’s initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else. 

Yep, sounds about right to me. OK I wonder about marriage, I don't wear a bra, I'm a hippie . Unfortunately, most people will say its just an excuse to be promiscuous...cough...Republicans. Whether it is or isn't, I don't think it should be an excuse for outright lunacy. Where are your friends? When I first started going out we traveled in packs for protection, no one ambled off with a stranger, no one stumbled out of the club alone walking down the street in cheap short dresses and jimmy choo knock-offs. Someone was always looking out so no one ended up dead. Of course there are my favorites...the transient girls that like to walk thru the hood at 2 am in the morning in whimsical short dresses, yeah good luck with that. I don't take the train after 12 am. I can spare a couple dollars to save my life and someone possibly getting his head cracked...but I digress.  Note to the dudes too...if she is having sex with you within hours of meeting u...do u think she is really making sure everything is OK down there probably not and vice versa. I am tired of turning on the news and seeing this young girl or other disappearing from a club and ending up dead somewhere. Get it together ladies, have your fun of course but within in reason, there are an abundance of crackpots out there...you would be surprised what I see from the DJ booth. Sometimes when u are praying to hook up with that hot guy...someone is actually preying on you.

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