Tuesday, April 10, 2012

so u moved to NYC...learn how to act

so I stop at the local store to grab a cup of coffee and proceed to cuss out a hipster that thought it was cool to push in front of two elderly people to get his coffee because he was late for band rehearsal...right band rehearsal at 10:30 am..but I digress

I adore my city and to see what is has become has made me to put it mildly sad...the beautiful thing about this place is that everyone is from somewhere else and they bring their own flavor to the city that is what used to give it that beautiful frenetic energy but the new batch well u are boring to say the least. I feel the need to vent and if u are offended well u can kiss my ass. Here are a few things some of u hipsters should try...maybe people will start liking u

This is dedicated to all u transients that have moved to New York and think u are cool...I got news for u you're not and this is why...

Support the local bodegas where u can get a damn good cup of coffee for 75 cents instead of going to the new coffee shop that makes burnt coffee for 5 dollars or more

Oh u shop only at the organic market in your neighborhood really have u noticed that the owners are usually the same people that own the bodegas? Duh...

What's up with the full on beards really???  they smell handle that

Stop trying to tell me about Brooklyn and if I have been to this spot or that more than likely I have been to that spot when it was five different things already

U think you are cool cause u live in the hood well support the businesses that have been there for years say good morning to the people in your neighborhood yeah NYers do that

Oh the high line impresses u its train tracks people with some greenage...if you are really all about environmentalism help set up a garden in your neighborhood get the local kids involved it used to happen here all the time

Oh u live in east Williamsburg? That's bushwick love

Stop wearing flannel when it is hot out...please

Stop asking to touch my hair NY used to have so much diversity... is natural hair really so strange

Grown men should not have bangs you look crazy.

New Yorkers stick together and we are nice people so get an attitude adjustment or u will get cussed out and stop having a look of shock when it happens you are just plain rude

I miss my brooklyn, long island, Spanish accents terribly...

U live by the water in Williamsburg classy they used to drop bodies over there...just saying

Stop calling 311 all the damn time u don't like the noise of the city go back from where u came from...it used to be the city that never sleeps now it's dead at 2 am

Thanks for ruining the club scene and why don't u guys dance what the hell do u have to talk about when a great song is blaring on a nice sound system

Girls should not smell.. ok u believe deodorant is full if chemicals but yet you chain smoke and go the bars keep your insides clean it's called cleansing

Why cant I figure out where any of u are from...be distinct be proud of where u come from...share your history instead of trying to overpower ours

Look up the word flavor and I don't mean in the dictionary

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