Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I gave him my number and I still haven't heard from him

so i am sitting on the train on my way to work...two women in their 20s are having a conversation

1st girl: so I meet this guy on wed night at *** and he was so hot
2nd girl: and... (giggling uncontrollably..it was a little unnerving)
1st girl: we hung out all night... we did it in the bar's bathroom. I gave him my number and I still haven't heard from him.
2nd girl: what a loser
elderly woman (getting off the train): you are an idiot, what do u think this is the 60s!
me: (loud outburst of laughter...more like a death rattle since I was drinking coffee, but whatever)

ummmm...come on!!!!

Now I am all about freedom and sexual expression and the like... but really thinking that someone will call u after u banged him in the bathroom, at a bar, after a few hours of meeting them...I am surprised he even took her number. Of course, I could be wrong...stranger things have happened. I went on one date with my ex and we stayed together for 7 years...the longest 7 years of my life...but 7 years nonetheless. Maybe I am getting old... I don't know...heading into my 40s I find that some young women and I use the word some really have lost their minds. I am not even going to get into all that morality and save yourself crap...my issue is simply safety. I have my female students tell me all the time how they are followed on their way to and from school, I have had a few numb nuts  myself approach me and even try to touch me on the street. Not to mention the many fools I see waiting for that one girl to  get just drunk enough so he can hit on her and possibly take her home. Are these young girls that are now of drinking age really that dotish or is that how the hipsters do it. So now I am sitting at a coffee shop, pondering and  writing with some annoying not so cute dude...trying to read over my shoulder...he just stopped...mission accomplished! Time to continue

Maybe some of these ridiculously stupid people think they are carrying on the theme of free love? 

According to Wikipedia, The term free love has been used [1] to describe a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social bondage. The Free Love movement’s initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else. 

Yep, sounds about right to me. OK I wonder about marriage, I don't wear a bra, I'm a hippie . Unfortunately, most people will say its just an excuse to be promiscuous...cough...Republicans. Whether it is or isn't, I don't think it should be an excuse for outright lunacy. Where are your friends? When I first started going out we traveled in packs for protection, no one ambled off with a stranger, no one stumbled out of the club alone walking down the street in cheap short dresses and jimmy choo knock-offs. Someone was always looking out so no one ended up dead. Of course there are my favorites...the transient girls that like to walk thru the hood at 2 am in the morning in whimsical short dresses, yeah good luck with that. I don't take the train after 12 am. I can spare a couple dollars to save my life and someone possibly getting his head cracked...but I digress.  Note to the dudes too...if she is having sex with you within hours of meeting u...do u think she is really making sure everything is OK down there probably not and vice versa. I am tired of turning on the news and seeing this young girl or other disappearing from a club and ending up dead somewhere. Get it together ladies, have your fun of course but within in reason, there are an abundance of crackpots out there...you would be surprised what I see from the DJ booth. Sometimes when u are praying to hook up with that hot guy...someone is actually preying on you.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

NuAcidFunk SunShine - Rhythm Rhyme Revolution Featuring MsDjTabu

with all this rain...this might take the pain away ; )

NuAcidFunk SunShine - Rhythm Rhyme Revolution Featuring MsDjTabu

Artists I admire and love...YK Hong

If u have ever been to a cool function or danced in the park in the summer and u happen to see a fantastic looking woman with a short cut taking your picture, or hear the most beautiful, infectious laugh ever...more than likely u have come across the extraordinary YK Hong. 

Extraordinary is a term I do not use loosely. YK does it all and well. YK is a self-taught artist who draws from her multi-cultural and trans-global background to incorporate ideas of struggle and anti-oppression into her work. Her dual U.S. and Korean upbringing is reflected in the themes and technique of her work and she is a hell of a cook too : ). She incorporates her design background into her work to communicate messages that are politically provocative, reflect mindfulness, cross-culturalism and multiple identities.

Currently, YK has a few exhibits that are opening in April...definitely go and check out her fabulous work.

Restoration Plaza, 1360 Fulton St, 3rd Fl, Brooklyn, NY 11233

The exhibition is called  Amplify Action and the full exhibition runs through July 28, 2012. “Amplify Action: Sustainability through the Arts” demonstrates how arts, culture and media are powerful catalysts for social change, and aims to engage neighborhoods in a dialogue about sustainable living, making healthy consumer choices, and taking environmental action. 

In addition to being an artist, YK is also an anti-oppression trainer, traveling around the country giving talks and workshops about anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia and having dialogues about oppression on a daily basis. Her creative work portrays this same message of dismantling oppression through daily dialogue and action. YK has sat on numerous panels and has also lectured on various topics around the country. Presently she is working on a project that focuses on her self-created practice for non-attachment, letting go and change. For more information click on this link 365 Release.
So as u can I see I didn't use the word extraordinary lightly and she fixes computers too. She saved my baby and my livelihood for sure!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Artists that I admire and love...Derriq Maq/808 Soundlab

One of the great things about Facebook is the fact that I have met and connected with some really talented individuals from around the world. CEO and founder of 808 Soundlab, Derriq Maq is one of them.  I have had the wonderful opportunity to see and hear all the great things that 808 Soundlab is involved in and to call Derriq a friend.

Originally from Texas, DMAQ has worked in the past for the Technics Corporation in Germany. Now back home, he is bringing an abundance of music and current events from around the world to avid listeners. In addition to helping artists on various production projects,  this creative soul can be found formulating new media in Dallas, Texas. DMAQ  launched the 808 Soundlab, a Digital Broadcast Group and the Groove City Collective, a Creative Arts Group. The 808 Soundlab is a network comprised of people dedicated to building relationships through cultural understanding. 808 SL is part of the global music revolution comprising of a worldwide network of production houses, associated artists, eco activists, digital junkies and music advocates.

The 808 Worldcast is a sonic groove of live programming, ecology and global culture. Included in the Worldcast are: The Big 3 Global Issues, the 808 Tech Lounge, 808 Mosiac, 808 Green and 808 Worldbeats features. The guests are some of the most interesting on earth. I was actually interviewed a few months ago and I have a mix on there woo hoo : )

808 Green. allows for one to stay up to date with the latest global data from experts in the process of creating a recyclable, sustainable, zero emission, solar| electric| wind| hydro powered environment for all.

"I just wanted to create a life worth the journey."  Indeed...his spirit, energy and love for music and life make Derriq quite a wonderful person to know. Listen to his message and like his page : ) At the rate Derriq is traveling, it looks to be unfolding at an amazing pace. Stay tuned...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Games People Play....

So on this fine morning I borrow my friend's bike to go to yoga, on my way back I stop to get a cup of coffee at you guessed it...my old bodega and of course without a doubt someone strikes up a conversation...this one was a bit different however...sometimes u find the answers in the most unexpected places

older gent: young lady u are very pretty
me: thanks
older gent: you have a beau
me:(I smile, I like the fact that he used the word beau) no sir, I don't
older gent: why not, a woman like u should have one
me: just unlucky I guess
older gent: You want to know what I think
me: I have a feeling no matter what my answer you are going to tell me anyway sir.

older gent:  Damn right! In just being in your presence for a minute I can tell u eat thunder and drink the rain (now he just quoted a line from one of my favorite songs Obeah Woman by Nina Simone...I am smitten) Whatever boy let you go is a damn fool, a man wouldn't let that happen.

me: (even more curious now I ask) what's the difference?

older gent: Stop dealing with boys who masquerade as men, they are fake soldiers that haven't fought any real battles. boys will come after u, a man will catch u, boys will try to change u, a man will love u for who u are, boys will compliment u, a man will honor u, boys will make u cry, a man will wipe your tears, boys will run from u when they realize u are indeed a woman who happens to be beautiful, not just a beautiful woman...do u understand?

me:  I do thank u
older gent: Females do it too it's just the games people play. I bet u have a list of things u will and won't stand for, stick to that and u will be just fine.

well...wow...now I am back after spending close to 45 minutes with this gent and I am glad I had my notebook with me because I was writing everything down...it made my head spin really but in a good way.

So here I am thinking about relationships and how some people get it right and others don't. BTW this older gent was married for 46 years, his wife passed away a few months ago...so I feel pretty lucky to have some of that wisdom thrown at me. I have been single for some time now and happily so..but I admit because I am human and a passionate one at that...that it does get lonely...sometimes. I still wonder if being in a relationship is the way to go...as far as I've seen only swans seem to get it right...as they only have one mate their entire lives...but I digress. When I am not out trying to organize the next big adventure or simply smelling the flowers...every now and again someone will catch my eye but almost inevitably they disappoint. Disappoint how? you say.  Without trying to sound like a bitter soon to be cat lady below is a list of things that I always find intriguing about people who are dating, seeing each other, hanging out, friends with benefits, whatever the hell u want to call it...there are some do's and don'ts too...probably why I am still single, but I get great advice from older men
; )

  1. don't say u are going to call and don't
  2. mean what you say and say what you mean...there are still a few people out there that live by this code
  3. be nice...that is all
  4. fight for someone if u believe that they are the one...there is something really beautiful about that
  5. I think its weird if couples don't argue at all...that's the kind of relationship that leads to a real crime episode on A&E
  6. I rather know you are an a**hole upfront, than find out weeks later
  7. a girl can only be told she is pretty so many times
  8. mourn your last relationship, however u need to do it...so u can get over it
  9. don't be jealous of another person's approach to life...some of us do just fine  paying our bills and being a free spirit
  10. make better cologne and perfume choices
  11. let someone know when they have been disrespectful...too many people go through life being obnoxious and they should be enlightened.
  12. that old adage "its not u..its me" is so damn on point
  13. don't be a douche...no need for definition here.
  14. not everyone is trying to sleep over...some people enjoy their bed...alone
  15. be graceful when handing someone their ass..works every time
  16. learn how to cook...for real
  17. if it smells like bullshit...probably is
  18. don't stand someone up...that just shows no home training what so ever
  19. guys are just as dramatic as girls...yeah I said it
  20. never think you can't get played
  21. love letters are cool I don't care what anyone else says
  22. have friends that u can "always" discuss your relationship issues with...always
  23. no need to blow people up on facebook...no one needs to know or cares about it
  24. don't hit on friends of the dude or girl u just broke up with yesterday
  25. laugh more 
  26. cry more
  27. travel more
  28. dance it out
  29. its ok to call if u are genuinely concerned about someone, if u don't hear back...well there it is
  30. always walk with money in your pocket...ya never know
  31. don't speak to your ex only when your current one is not around...make introductions it makes life easier for everyone
  32. why bring your current one to a place you frequented with your ex...that is just plain stupid and dramatic
  33. if u like someone tell them, call them...what's with the waiting game
  34. dead the "text"ships
  35. If u really want to see someone...make the time...seriously
  36. stop trying to sound smart...when you really are not
  37. if u are not interested anymore...let the person know u might just gain a friend and maybe that's what is was supposed to be in the first place
  38. cut someone off that treats you badly
  39. don't assume because someone treats you with kindness they are trying to sling the ball and chain around your ankle...you are probably just lucky enough to have met a good person
  40. girls can make booty calls too...what's with the double standard
  41. run from crazy...like the wind
  42. try above all else to be happy with yourself...hard terrain i know but it makes the healing a hell of a lot easier 
  43. take advice from your elders...they know the deal

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Artists that I admire and love...Mr. Barrie Sharpe

I had the pleasure to meet this fine gentleman while I was across the pond. If you are into acid jazz and rare groove, this is the man that was behind all of that starting in the mid 80s. Master Plan and Sun Worshippers were two tracks that were a staple in my DJ bag. I actually had to replace Master Plan three times as it always miraculously disappeared at the end of the night while I was packing up my records. The pioneer of the rare groove scene, in 1985 he opened "The Cat In The Hat Club" in Central London. Alongside Lascelle he played 70's funk, which later became known as "Rare Groove", a big influence on the ever changing London Club culture. The entire "Rare Groove" scene was started @ The "Cat In The Hat" by Lascelles Lascelle and Barrie. The duo brought such great tunes as "Across The Track", "Think About It", "I Know You Got Soul" & "I Believe In Miracles" His music is always evolving, his resume ridiculously impressive and he is an absolute gent. Barrie has hosted many successful club nights around the London and I had the pleasure of attending one. The music was spectacular and I didn't expect anything less. So if u are ever in London, u need without a doubt to hear this man play. He will be the well-dressed cat in the DJ booth banging out some mind blowing gems.

Not only a fantastic producer and DJ he is also the designer and founder of the well known men's clothing line Duffer of St George and now Sharpeye. What else has this man done...well he has also written an autobiography I read a small snippet and I want more. He details, vividly I might add, his experience growing up in London and the music scene in the 70s and 80s. Barrie is an innovator, creator, father, designer, writer, and activist. He doesn't mince words or take short cuts in any of his endeavors and the proof is in every final creation

give a listen to some of his recent amazing work. I am honored to be on one of his tracks and to call him a friend.

Friday, April 13, 2012

brooklyn...we have culture

since a great deal of people seem to think Williamsburg is the coolest place in Brooklyn I am here to tell u simply...its not. Brooklyn has an abundance of history which runs 400 years that is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Instead of waiting for the list of 10 things to do in Brooklyn which seems to always happen in Williamsburg (again mind boggling) one spot you should definitely hit is the Brooklyn Historical Society. I have been going here since I was a teenager and I have never been disappointed. Founded in 1863 the building houses an abundance of history on Brooklyn. As one in seven Americans can trace their family roots to Brooklyn, the BHS collections represent an important national resource. So how  you like them apples : )

From exhibits, to lectures, to after school programming BHS has it all. In June, a wonderful exhibit will open  focusing on the history of Brooklyn dating back to the Dutch settlers. The exhibit will be curated and designed by 4 Brooklyn high schools...how cool is that?! The building  holds a museum, educational center and library. Its only $6 for adults $4 for everyone else and free if u are a member. Check out the blog too, there are some great photographs on there.

Now go get some culture : )

Museum & Library Hours
Regular Museum Hours
Wednesday- Friday, 12-5pm
Saturday, 10am-5pm
Sunday, 12-5pm
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

artists that I admire and love...DJ Kamala

if u are looking for something to do on a Thursday night your best bet is Bathtub Gin http://bathtubginnyc.com/ located  at 132 9th Ave (between 18th St & 19th St)  a cute little coffee shop by day head into the back at night and u will find a speakeasy vibe with great cocktails. The  main attraction in my book however is the fantastic DJ...Kamala. The lovely Kamala is a NYC girl who has been a staple in the music scene for over a decade. Her music taste is both diverse and knowledgeable and to top it off she is quite easy on the eyes ; ) Skilled in all genres of music from hip-hop to house with this beautiful spirit on the decks you are guaranteed to have a great night, no matter what location.

Her roster includes a plethora of clients and well known venues in the metro area. This summer Kamala and I are embarking on a European tour with stops in London, Paris, Italy, and Ibiza to name a few. We are excited to bring our spin on house and experience how this genre of music is accepted around the world. Later this year Kamala will also release a much awaited single...ahem where is my promo lady?? :) This track well definitely become a head banger. Stay tuned for more from this spectacular, dynamic, beautiful woman  who I am also lucky enough to call friend :)

Check out her website for all updates on her events and there are some great mixes too!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

so u moved to NYC...learn how to act

so I stop at the local store to grab a cup of coffee and proceed to cuss out a hipster that thought it was cool to push in front of two elderly people to get his coffee because he was late for band rehearsal...right band rehearsal at 10:30 am..but I digress

I adore my city and to see what is has become has made me to put it mildly sad...the beautiful thing about this place is that everyone is from somewhere else and they bring their own flavor to the city that is what used to give it that beautiful frenetic energy but the new batch well u are boring to say the least. I feel the need to vent and if u are offended well u can kiss my ass. Here are a few things some of u hipsters should try...maybe people will start liking u

This is dedicated to all u transients that have moved to New York and think u are cool...I got news for u you're not and this is why...

Support the local bodegas where u can get a damn good cup of coffee for 75 cents instead of going to the new coffee shop that makes burnt coffee for 5 dollars or more

Oh u shop only at the organic market in your neighborhood really have u noticed that the owners are usually the same people that own the bodegas? Duh...

What's up with the full on beards really???  they smell handle that

Stop trying to tell me about Brooklyn and if I have been to this spot or that more than likely I have been to that spot when it was five different things already

U think you are cool cause u live in the hood well support the businesses that have been there for years say good morning to the people in your neighborhood yeah NYers do that

Oh the high line impresses u its train tracks people with some greenage...if you are really all about environmentalism help set up a garden in your neighborhood get the local kids involved it used to happen here all the time

Oh u live in east Williamsburg? That's bushwick love

Stop wearing flannel when it is hot out...please

Stop asking to touch my hair NY used to have so much diversity... is natural hair really so strange

Grown men should not have bangs you look crazy.

New Yorkers stick together and we are nice people so get an attitude adjustment or u will get cussed out and stop having a look of shock when it happens you are just plain rude

I miss my brooklyn, long island, Spanish accents terribly...

U live by the water in Williamsburg classy they used to drop bodies over there...just saying

Stop calling 311 all the damn time u don't like the noise of the city go back from where u came from...it used to be the city that never sleeps now it's dead at 2 am

Thanks for ruining the club scene and why don't u guys dance what the hell do u have to talk about when a great song is blaring on a nice sound system

Girls should not smell.. ok u believe deodorant is full if chemicals but yet you chain smoke and go the bars keep your insides clean it's called cleansing

Why cant I figure out where any of u are from...be distinct be proud of where u come from...share your history instead of trying to overpower ours

Look up the word flavor and I don't mean in the dictionary

Sunday, April 8, 2012

who knew Providence was so cool? ; )

this past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to DJ at Fete Music in Providence, RI. This venue has been open only a few months and it is already gaining recognition for having a great roster of talent and an amazingly cool staff. Donald King, is the gent that brought me in the play and I use the the word gent in the truest form, he welcomed us with generosity and kindness...not to be mention a sick knowledge of music.

Fête is New England’s boutique live music venue dedicated to providing innovative music programming to an audience as diverse as New England itself. Fête’s mission is to rejuvenate the relationship between music and revelry; create a haven where both artists and audiences engage in a unique and gratifying cultural experience and actively participate in the revitalization of Olneyville, a unique and historic Providence neighborhood.
The Ballroom, Lounge, and Bistro (2013) at Fête will have a lasting impact upon The Creative Capital’s vibrant art, culture and tourism industry. Fête will create employment opportunities for various education and skill levels. Our culturally diverse programming will provide thousands of visitors the opportunity to visit, shop, and dine while experiencing the unique charms of Providence.
Strategically Located
Many bands with significant followings by-pass Rhode Island for other metro areas such as Boston, causing missed revenue streams for our state. With three unique rooms, Fête will tap into the local, regional, and national music scene, actively working to stimulate and support the artistic community.
A Unique Program
Fête is committed to developing thoughtful and unique programming that honors our rich musical past, while supporting the cutting edge, experimental, commercial and non-commercial trends. Fête celebrates all types of music and we believe music can bring people together.

Next month I have a guest spot at another cool location Dusk...located in Smith Hill. The venue is gorgeous with a fantastic bar and the owner Rick Sunderland welcomed us warmly, another cool cat that is a school teacher by day and bar owner by night.The bar welcomes a great group of artists and DJs : )

So i highly recommend if u find yourself in the Providence area check out these dope spots..you won't regret it, great music and great people. Reminds me of how the scene was in NYC before the hipster invasion. Yeah I said it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Conversations with my students and freedom's sisters

Happy friday my beautiful people. Every once in awhile I will have some colorful comments or conversations with my students and also overhear or become involved in some interaction at the local bodega. This is one of the latest

conversation with my student

student: Miss, I think u are crazy
me: excuse me?!
student: Nah Miss I think u are good crazy not bad crazy
me: really...whats the difference
student: U are the kind of crazy that would take a bullet for us not the kind of crazy that would call up her man and say she was going to kill herself just to see if he cares crazy.
me: thank u for that
student: And u are the only one that we let yell at us by the way...that's a badge of honor for real

some how that made me smile all day.

With that being said I have taken some of my lovely ladies to a great exhibit at the Betty Shabazz Center. The exhibit only runs until April 22nd and showcases 20 women of color who were soldiers in the fight against slavery, racism and gaining civil rights. I urge all of u to take the time to visit.It is our responsibility to enlighten our youth for many obvious reasons. Clink on the link below for more details

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Taste the Stage

So last night ended up at the 5 spot...where there was an open mic and jam session that was out of this world. There was an abundance of talent in the room. Held every wed night a collective of amazing artists showcase their wares from freestyle to covers backed up by musicians that are truly inspiring. Nate Jones is the master behind this night the cover is $7.00 and it is worth every penny. Stop going to the clubs that play the same 10 songs u can hear on the radio and go to this. You never know who might pop up on stage and the bartender makes a nice drink.

Open mic and Show Case. Located on washington and myrtle in Brooklyn at the 5 spot 10pm. live music lives come be a part of history.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

artists that I admire and love

there are a number of talented artists that reside in brooklyn and i am lucky to know a few of them. I will be showcasing their work as much as I can and I suggest u take heed, starting with two of my favorites below. Their style is eclectic, innovative, sexy and on top of that they are beautiful people inside and out. Both are involved enlightening and uplifting our community and they do it quite well, some of you local artists take note. They are also a couple, all that in one room can make a girl very dizzy, but in a hot and delicious kind of way ; )

This genre bending Brooklyn based artist’s sound is sensual and demanding, melodic and unapologetic. Audiences let go of their inhibitions when Raye 6 comes into play.  Miss 6′s brand is magnetizing, drawing adults from all facets of life into her Universe. Raye 6 never goes unnoticed, whether it’s walking down the street, the supermarket or merely sitting in a park, she draws attention from every age group and nationality imaginable. Her hair alone needs security. Raye 6 is a walking billboard, a fashion icon in the making and as CMJ described her “The woman with the hurricane vocals.”


Coming from the revolutionary hip-hop group A-Alikes, illumiNessence is no  stranger to the game.  For years he and  his partner A-Black,along with the rest  of the RBG/People Army family (dead prez, Divine  of the DeyUmi, Dedan, etc) have been on a mission to bring to  light the world of  the have-nots, and send out a call to arms to rise up, educate and build community.
EYE2025*Chapter1 is a continuation of that call. While sonically it is a new direction, experimenting with – and pushing the lines of – genres and sounds, the project is still just as critical of the powers that be and the system we live in as A-Alikes has always, and continues to be.